Läkarmissionen and International Aid Services Sudan, which is an operational part of Läkarmissionen, regret to confirm the killing of a valued and long-serving staff member during an outbreak of violence on Saturday 16 January 2021 intercommunal in Krinding IDP camp near El Geneina, West Darfur, Sudan. We are deeply saddened by the tragic loss of our colleague, and grieve with his family and with the families of other colleagues who have lost loved ones in the conflict. Darfur region has seen inter-communal violence doubled in the second half of 2020, with 28 incidents compared to 15 between July and December 2019. West Darfur state alone accounts for half of the 40 incidents reported in the entire Darfur region (UN OCHA).
We call on all parties to the conflict to agree to an immediate ceasefire and ensure civilians, including displaced persons and aid workers, are protected.
IAS Sudan has been working in West Darfur since 2003 to support internally displaced persons and host communities with a range of life-saving services focusing on providing long-term solutions to the lack of water for domestic, agriculture and livestock use thus dramatically reducing local conflicts.
Läkarmissionen är en svensk hjälporganisation som sedan 1958 arbetat för att förändra framtiden för utsatta människor. Vi genomför internationellt utvecklingsarbete och humanitära insatser i ett 40-tal länder med tyngdpunkt på Afrika. Vår primära målgrupp är kvinnor och barn som lever i utsatthet. Läs mer på www.lakarmissionen.se eller följ oss på facebook.com/Lakarmissionen.